

Cyclohexane CAS:110-82-7

Cyclohexane for use

【 Purpose 1 】Mainly used in the manufacture of cyclohexanol, cyclohexanone, widely used as a solvent in the coating industry.

【 Purpose 2 】Used as a solvent, but also in organic synthesis.

【 Purpose 3 】Extraction solvent; Pigment thinner.

【 Purpose 4 】The majority of cyclohexane is used in the manufacture of adipic acid, caprolactam and adipdiamine (98% of total consumption), with a small percentage used in the manufacture of cyclohexamine and other aspects, such as as a solvent for fiber ethers, fats, oils, waxes, bitumen, resins and rubber; Organic and recrystallized media; Paint and varnish remover, etc. It can be used as the raw material of nylon 6 and nylon 66. It can also be used as polymerization diluent, paint defilm agent, cleaning agent, adipic acid extractant and binder.
